It's a rainy Wednesday morning and I'm still down with my cough. It's almost more than a week already. The cough is as bad as keeping me awake for the first 2 hours when I go to sleep every night and I would wake up early to start the coughing again. My stomach muscles have gone wobbly from all the coughing but I think the medicine the doctor prescribed me yesterday did their work. I feel better... I gave up sleeping in further today and got up to bathe. I popped the television, flipped the channels and settled on Prime Time Morning, channel 5. After a while, I came online and Xingyu chatted with me. He gave me this riddle his brother told him. Before I reveal the riddle, I have to emphasize strongly that Xingyu do not take credit in its making, neither do I:
'Why is the cockerel crowing when the kitten falls into a pond?'
A wet pussy makes the cock happy!!!
Yeah, I agree it's perverse but it does make your lips curve upwards, right? :) The smile on you fades when the next topic is being brought up. The SKINNING of ANIMALS ALIVE!! It was an email forwarded to me by my friends. I've watched the obscene video, I just can't believe the Chinese men have the heart to even do it. The animals were truly pathetic and helpless! Someone or some organisation please save them and stop all these from happening again. I cried as I watched the video, it was definitely.... mere words can't be put down to explain my feelings toward the poor animals. The last part when the skinned raccoon held up its bare head before giving in to the darkness was terribly saddening. That's how all those rich people obtain their fur coats - at the expense of these animals' lives. It's no wonder Princess Mia in Princess Diaries wants to safeguard the rights of animals. The unspoken voices.... save them please!!!
'Why is the cockerel crowing when the kitten falls into a pond?'
A wet pussy makes the cock happy!!!
Yeah, I agree it's perverse but it does make your lips curve upwards, right? :) The smile on you fades when the next topic is being brought up. The SKINNING of ANIMALS ALIVE!! It was an email forwarded to me by my friends. I've watched the obscene video, I just can't believe the Chinese men have the heart to even do it. The animals were truly pathetic and helpless! Someone or some organisation please save them and stop all these from happening again. I cried as I watched the video, it was definitely.... mere words can't be put down to explain my feelings toward the poor animals. The last part when the skinned raccoon held up its bare head before giving in to the darkness was terribly saddening. That's how all those rich people obtain their fur coats - at the expense of these animals' lives. It's no wonder Princess Mia in Princess Diaries wants to safeguard the rights of animals. The unspoken voices.... save them please!!!

The sex scandal of Edison Chen and his female sex partners created a storm in the entertainment industry. I feel that it is not worth for him to quit because of all those sex photos being disseminated. Don't get me wrong, I am not supporting Edison but it's such a pity that he has to leave the Hong Kong entertainment industry after working in it for so many years. I, needless to say, disagree with his actions. Must he really take videos and photos of him making out with his sex partners? Is it even necessary? If he'd really wanted to, he should have saved his files in a hard disk or thumbdrive and delete the files in the computer before sending it for repair. How could he have been so careless? He had not only disgraced himself, he had also caused embarrassment to the girls. The culprit(s) who disseminated Edison's private files was/were in the wrong too. It is an infringement of Edison Chen's privacy! Anyway, the scandal has come to an end with Edison apologizing to the public through a media conference and this should serve as a warning to all people, to think twice before deciding on video taping or shooting themselves having sex. First, the Tammy scandal and now Edison, who's next? I hope there isn't any more 'who's next?'.
No book or movie review ready to blog, just Random Thoughts...
Until next time...
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