Saturday, December 27, 2008

08A03 Economics Notes


People of 08A03, I do hope you come by here and take a look at this:

There are a whole bunch of Econs notes still with me and I do not know who has taken them or who hasn't. The pictures of the notes are below, please view them and check among your Econs notes that you have them. If you don't have them, please inform me by sms, or by leaving a message on the tagboard.

It is not possible for me to lay all these notes on the table in school for you to come and check, all at the same time.

Qn: Explain the type of market structure in which each of the following is likely to operate in Singapore: (i) Clinics and (ii) Telecommunication companies

(1 set of this)

Qn: Illustrating your answer with examples, assess the policies that the Singapore government currently adopts to achieve an efficient allocation of resources when externalities are present, and consider whether some new policies should be introduced.

(2 sets of this)

Tutorial 7: Case Study 1

(10 sets of this)

Tutorial 7: Case Study 2

(1 set of this)

Tutorial 7: Essay 3

(4 sets of this)

National Income Statistics Tutorial

(2 sets of this)

Thank you.

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