That was work at the Expo. But we didn't stop there. Zoe and I went all the way to Potong Pasir, Angsana Ave to do some more part timing. But it was only for one day. We went to the CNS boss's house to do some taping of advertising brochures and packing of Narnia playing cards for Swensens. Though the pay was quite low, but it wasn't as exhausting as working in Expo. We sat at the 'work place' in the terrace house, with the air-con switched on, drank some F&N Nutritea and chatted while we finish the work off. I realised that CNS is a company hired by F&N to organise the stall at Expo. No photos of the 'work place' either, kind of rude if I took photos there, it is someone else's house.
Gasp! He look so cool in the poster! That's my man! Whoosh! Go Caspian (Ben)! He shares the same name in the movie as my distant cousin living in the UK too!

...and again, him, with short hair!!! Argghhhh! SO CUTE! I can't believe he kissed Susan in the movie, oh well, I can get over that. But it was a little disappointing to see that Caspian and Susan won't work out together in the movie, because Susan said: 'I'm 13oo years older than you...' No matter... that doesn't bother me too much.
I've finished reading the 4 books I borrowed before the holidays. I was done with them at the beginning of the first week of the holidays. I was amazed at the speed I read them. Went back to school today for the training of dialogue session with minister of state and after which I made a trip to the library with Jiamin to borrow another FOUR books. Not forgetting that I have also started reading on Charles Dickens' Great Expectations. The beginning of the story makes me hungry to read on further, it was not like reading Oliver Twist the last time. I had to go to the school's library and extend that book for four times! Four again. Do I have an affinity with this particular number, hmm. But my favourite number is... well, I don't really have a favourite number, but 4 is not on my top list if I were to make a list of my favourite numbers.
The first four books read during the start of holidays... they were returned to their home this morning first thing when I reached school. I miss them dearly now... :P
I think that is all I have to type... PW is still in the making. GP will be discussed tonight with Arthur and Aaron, Jiamin will be working, so not inclusive of this fair maiden. She sprained her ankle while practising hockey this morning. Clumsy lass. I shouldn't say that of her, cuz at many times I'm clumsy too. Econs to be revised for next term's test. Econs is making everyone dizzy and in the end, it seems that I've typed quite a lot in here.
Till then!
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