A rose by any other name smells just as sweet...
Friday, January 23, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
Cherie's 18th Birthday Outing ~ Togetherness
Huilin called at least a week before my birthday to confirm whether I was celebrating this day with them. I agreed and she asked me where I would like to go. So a venue was set, the time to meet up was 11am. Jiamin had to work today, so she didn't turn up. I prepared myself and took a few pictures before heading out. Waited for Zoe at JE MRT Station, we were about 20 mins late because Zoe missed a train. (I'm not blaming you, Zoe. I'm just relating today's details).
Our set lunches (at $8.80 each) were served and we got a waitress to help us take a photos of us. Huiqi chose spaghetti with ham and cheese, I chose meatballs and seaweed noodles, Huilin and Zoe both got themselves rice with plum-sauce chicken. :)
Ta -Dah!!!!
I'm not done yet!
What are inside those bags???
Cherie's 18th Birthday Mysterious Articles Investigation
A pair of cool shades and a thin silver belt
Daddy's birthday pressie for me - A seahorse brand mattress
Mummy's birthday pressie for me - A super duper cute bag-pack (& an hongbao not shown)
It's really my birthday today. I'm 18 now!
Till then.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
My Feminine Instinct
Yeah, and so that's about it. My mum and I tasted it, they were alright. In fact, I think they are great. Don't you disagree with me, because you havn't had a taste of it.
Here's wishing everyone a Belated Merry Christmas and Belated Happy New Year.
Here's wishing everyone an Early Happy Chinese New Year!
Celebration outing with the girlies tomorrow!
Till then.
Squishy Goreng Pisang and the remnants of naughty Nian Gao which ran out of the batter.
Family Combo!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
08A03 Economics Notes
It is not possible for me to lay all these notes on the table in school for you to come and check, all at the same time.
Qn: Illustrating your answer with examples, assess the policies that the Singapore government currently adopts to achieve an efficient allocation of resources when externalities are present, and consider whether some new policies should be introduced.
(2 sets of this)
Tutorial 7: Case Study 1
(10 sets of this)
Tutorial 7: Case Study 2
(1 set of this)
Tutorial 7: Essay 3
(4 sets of this)
National Income Statistics Tutorial
(2 sets of this)
Thank you.
It was Seoul good!!
Lunch at Myeong-dong (a great shopping paradise!!)...
Dinner night at Apujeong
Visit to Han-young Foreign Language High School...
Food culture lesson and lunch at the same time:
Know more about Han-Bok...