Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Ho, Ho, Ho!

I'm leaving, never gonna come back again....

for 10 days!!!!

My luggage is packed, my handbag at the ready, my winter coat in a bundle, now all I have to do is count down!!

My luggage is getting heavier. Know what I have inside it? Take a quick peek:

All the things necessary to enjoy a vacation in Winter Korea! Wooosh! Will be seeing Huilin and Clement at 8pm, Terminal 1, Changi Airport!

I'm very relaxed now... going to have lunch and enjoy My Super ex-girlfriend at the same time. :D

Till then.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Looking forward?

I'm so sleepy all of a sudden before logging in to blogspot. Unexplainable.

Hmm, after the work at Vivo GV, I worked at Padang, at the Breathe campaign organised by HPB. Beixin and I were made to give out freebies at the Rodeo station. There were poly guys there controlling the rodeo bull. It was fun to see people clinging on to the handle for dear life as the rodeo spinned so hysterically. Actually, it was the guys' doing that made people fall off and they still had the cheek to feign innocence. Raising up their hands and pointing at the machine implying that they didn't make the riders fall off. Lol. I am not complaining about them, I'm just trying to construct the comic scenario. Time passed as we both stood there, watching people queued up and jump on top of the bull. It was inspiring to see small sized primary school boys having the courage to try the thing out. They were so excited. I did try out the bull, only with BX controlling the machine. Slight movements made me screamed like I was in hell. It was a good experience though.

Pictures still with BX, havn't got the chance to get them from her. :D

Then it was work at Expo FoodFair. Like as it was in June, BX, Zoe, Gordon and I promoted F&N drinks for the consumers. Similarly, I stood the entire day and my legs went sore. A day's rest and the legs could still manage. Worked 4 days in total. Promoting drinks at Expo twice made me realise something. As a consumer myself, I didn't think the promoters' job isn't that tough.


When I became the promoter myself, things were so different. You had to keep pouring drink samples into the cups, which went missing almost immediately when the last drop of juice dripped in. Your hands were in a mechanic state, pouring and pouring. You think the hand exercise is something good, yeah maybe. But you would not feel the same when you have to battle the pain in your legs, the numbness in your hand and the endless requests of trying the drink you are promoting. It sure was an experience to tell me that working for money ISN'T easy at all!

No Pain, No Gain! How true huh.

Hehe, I was despatched to help out at the ice cream side during my last 2 days at work. It was relatively easier to promote ice cream. I got to chat (just a little) with the auntie and her son selling ice cream there. So I wasn't bored. I had people to talk to. :) Soon, foodfair was OVER! Yay! We don't have to reek of fried food and oil anymore. Hahaha.

Next Tuesday is the day which Huilin, Clement and I would be sharing our special date. 25th November 2008, 8pm, Terminal 1. We will be taking off to.......................................................................................................KOREA!!!!!!!

Korea, sparkling!

To be honest, I am not very excited about the trip. I guess I am just afraid that I would be home-sick and start crying when I don't get to see my family for a whole 10 days or so. I'm not the touchy-touchy or extremely emotional type of person, but I think I would still miss mummy, daddy and sis. But I think I will enjoy this expensive trip with my friends! :D I must try to enjoy myself when I'm there.

Homework and revision undone. Animes galore! No time to watch them all!

Steamboat delight for class outing please...! This is something new, well at least to me, and I wish to try that out. The steamboat with classmates, I mean.

Till Then. Korea, here we come! :P

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Nothing can express my boundless love for the best anime in year 2008. Yup, that's this year. Only pictures of the anime can stun me and remind me how much I love this anime. Whoever out there thinks I'm crazy and thinks that animes are not worth my time and energy, SHUT UP! Lol.

The trio: Zero. Yuuki. Kaname.

Anime guys are HOT!

Well, this picture is nice with the snow flying around and the colour is almost perfect. But it's not really my favourite. I'd rather the guy to be Zero. Same for the bottom one too.

Ahh, here, Zero and Yuuki. But the setting doesn't seem to be fit.

Kaname Kuran, the pure-blooded vampire, respected by all vampires.

Oh well, he's rather hot in this picture.

Night class of Cross Academy. The Vampires.

You never know when this seemingly never ending pictures of Vampire Knight might end. Here's the last picture:


I thought of filling a post with all Twilight pictures I have. But the urge of posting all pictures I have of this anime overruled. It shall be next time for Twilight to be featured then.

Till then.